It is “a building up, especially in a moral or spiritual sense; moral, intellectual, or spiritual improvement; instruction”, according to the dictionary. The word used in scripture is oikodome (G3619) and means “the act of one who promotes another’s growth in Christian wisdom, piety, happiness, holiness”.
All things are permitted, but not all things are of benefit. All things are permitted, but not all things build people up.
1 Corinthians 10:23 (NASB 20)
...Knowledge makes one conceited, but love edifies people.
1 Corinthians 8:1 (NASB 20)
...All things are to be done for edification.
1 Corinthians 14:26 (NASB 20)
Great Music
James Block
Shpendi Zenki
Simon Khorolskiy
Sons of Korah
Left and Right Ministries
Gaby Grace
Good Medicine
Michael Card
Shpendi Zenki
Great Movies
Great Training
“Doug and Stacy have lived on 11 acres for the last 15 years. They built a log cabin with minimal building skills in 90 days with wood from the forest. They now grow 90% of their own food, live 100% off of rain water and poop in buckets. They have developed a “closed loop system” we need zero inputs to feed and take care of ourselves and we are excited to teach you what we have learned! When you join our university you will be equipped with the knowledge and confidence to start your journey, improve your current situation or just live a better life in the circumstances you find yourself in today! We look forward to empowering you to reach your goals!”
The most comprehensive Online Course of Herbal Medicine that exists!
“For generations, our ancestors used these herbs anytime someone needed healing. Whether times were good or bad, anyone with a little knowledge of the herbs could harvest them and use them for healing…now that’s equal opportunity medicine. The thing is, those same herbs are just sitting there still, just as effective as ever, waiting for anyone with a need and a little knowledge to use them for health and healing.”
Lifetime Access
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All her in-person courses are sold out for the year but she has two online trainings available: Foundations of Medical Preparedness and her new Herbal Preparedness course.